


你知道吗 法律 这就解决了工作场所的母乳喂养问题? 确实有, 我相信你们很多人都知道这一点, 你知道你是否遵守了规定吗? 你的员工知道这是一条法律吗? And do they know what they can do and where they can go if they return to work after having a baby and are breastfeeding? The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to provide break time for an employee to express breast milk for a year after her child’s birth. A common misunderstanding is that if you are an employer with less than 50 employees, 你不必遵守这条法律. 然而,事实并非如此. Any employer that must comply with FLSA rules must comply with this 法律.

根据Brenda Bandy的说法, the Program Director for the Kansas 母乳喂养 Coalition, 在她最近写的一篇题为 母乳喂养的商业案例, more than 75% of all new mothers choose to breastfeed. 大多数新妈妈都知道, coming back to work after the birth of a baby can be hard enough without worrying about how you will be able to keep breastfeeding your baby.

研究 长期被告知母乳喂养的好处吗, and shows that breastfed babies may have a lower risk of:

  • 哮喘
  • 白血病(儿童时期)
  • 肥胖(儿童时期)
  • 耳部感染
  • 湿疹(特应性皮炎)
  • 腹泻和呕吐
  • 下呼吸道感染
  • Necrotizing (NEK-roh-TEYE-zing) enterocolitis (en-TUR-oh-coh-LYT-iss), a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract in premature babies, 或者怀孕37周前出生的婴儿
  • 婴儿猝死综合症(SIDS)
  • 2型糖尿病

其他潜在的 好处 母乳喂养可能包括:

  • 提倡健康的体重
  • 与智力增加有关
  • 母亲体重下降更快
  • 降低母亲患产后抑郁症的风险
  • 节省时间和金钱


So, as an employer, what exactly is 要求 to comply with the FLSA 法律? Not only must you provide regular and reasonable breaks, but you must also have a room specifically designated for nursing mothers. 根据美国.S. 劳动部工资和工时司, Section 7(r) of the Fair Labor Standards Act — Break Time for Nursing Mothers Provision, “一个地方 除了浴室 (强调我的), that is shielded from view and free from intrusion from coworkers and the public, which may be used by an employee to express breast milk” must be provided. It does not have to be a permanent dedicated lactation room, and smaller organizations may use screens or other creative ways to allow privacy for the mother. Ideally the room should have a comfortable chair. Most nursing mothers returning to work use a breast pump. And while many women I know bring their own breast pump, 有些公司在房间里提供吸奶器.


Why is this important to businesses as it relates to employee recruitment, engagement, and retention? 根据 全国健康商业小组, Workplace breastfeeding programs may help to mitigate health care costs, 生产力损失和旷工:

  • Reducing the risk of some short- and long-term health issues for women and children
  • Decreasing employee absences associated with caring for a sick child
  • 提倡早日休完产假回来
  • 提高女性员工的保留率

而现在, with low unemployment rates and a seemingly renewed focus on employee happiness and health, this is a very important issue to which employers should pay attention. I can tell you that my daughter had a baby 18 months ago, 当她回去工作的时候, her employer first put her in a bathroom to express milk. Then they moved her to an old unused closet, which was dark and dreary. Needless to say, she is not employed there anymore. 但这不是她离开的唯一原因, the message it sent to her as a new mother and as an employee made her question her value to the organization.

If you need more information about this topic, feel free to 正规澳门赌场app 在正规澳门赌场app.


